Welcome back to Najla Qamber Designs! We’re all about bringing your vision to life one pixel at a time. Today we wanted to highlight another amazing author we've worked with but this time she's also part of our QD&M team! Author Jennifer Silverwood has been involved in the publishing world since 2012 and is passionate about supporting the writing community however she can. After studying traditional art at University, she began helping Qamber Designs & Media bring authors' books to life. We've also covered all her books to date. It's so exciting to see all our covers together, old and new!
A Word from the Designer
After years of working together on her covers, she’s become a huge asset to the company in many ways. Every cover we work on for her, every illustration we commission her with and every idea she brings to us to better the business has not only strengthened our foundations as a company but our bond as a power trio (Najla, Nada, and Jennifer) in the industry! We’re very grateful that she found us!
Then VS. Now
Not only have we designed 23 covers for Jennifer to-date, including re-covers, but we’ve also created countless teasers and website themes through the years. Design trends are ever-shifting. When planning your book covers for a series, one of the best things you can do is to look at best-selling books in your target genre. Different genres will use different fonts and subject matter. We at Najla Qamber Designs also research and pay attention to current and emerging trends. Jennifer is primarily a fantasy romance author, but she also writes cross-genre into sci-fi/steampunk and contemporary romance. Check out the difference between the first editions of this Young Adult Sci-fi series and the 2017 recovers:
2013 Editions
2017 Editions
Another example is 2012 vs 2020 Editions of Silver Hollow & Stay:
A Word from Jenn
I was lucky to stumble across Najla’s Deviantart page while still in the process of writing my first full-length novel. Over eight years later, she’s still my go-to for every project. The best part is my writing has improved alongside her design skills. With each book, I believe we get even better.
About the Author

Jennifer Silverwood has been involved in the publishing world since 2012 and is passionate about supporting the writing community however she can.
After studying traditional art at University, she began helping Qamber Designs & Media bring authors' books to life. Jennifer is the founder of We Write Fantasy, a blog and support group for fellow genre authors.
She is the author of the Wylder Tales Series, the Borderlands Saga, and the romance titles Stay and She Walks in Moonlight.